becca gayle-phipps

Introducing our REESET creator, Becca is a sound healer, inclusive community connector and British/Jamaican lover of all things Hispanic – language, food and music are all part of her love language.

REESET was born in 2013 on the shores of Lake Atitlán, Guatemala. It remained an idea and dream for eight years, with the working title, ’The Yoga Farm.’ The more Becca travelled, studied yoga and joined retreats worldwide, the more she realised that the Western world of yoga is exclusive. She was often the only brown person on retreat, could never afford more than the dorm room and could never understand if everyone was actually plant-based or just liked talking about it.

With her blue-sky attitude to life, Becca brings insatiable positive energy and great vibes to her healing spaces. You’ll find her at work to ensure there is always a seat at the table (and on the mat!) for every one from anywhere.  

George Wilse

George is a coach to aspiring leaders, a musician who was born deaf, and a chef who turns simple ingredients into magic.

As the founder and creator of Sustainable Life Coach, he works with Becca to create an open and safe space for all. George is on a mission to uphold Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with his consultancy work in multi-national companies and 1:1 sessions with individual people leaders.

With his infectious energy, George provides fun and inclusive workshops where people can embrace their true selves and reach new heights. Get ready to join George on a collaborative journey filled with creativity and boundless possibilities.