Women, Confidence & The Power We Already Hold

"Well-behaved women seldom make history" – or get the last slice of cake at a dinner party.

Let’s be real: if women waited until they felt 100% confident before taking action, the world would be a very quiet place. Confidence, as we’ve been led to believe, is this elusive, shiny thing that only the bold, the brave, and the Beyoncé-levels of badass seem to possess. But here’s the truth – confidence isn’t something we find. It’s something we do.

International Women’s Day: A Celebration, A Reckoning

Every year on March 8th, we raise a glass (or a matcha latte) to the extraordinary women of the world. We celebrate achievements, progress, and sisterhood. And yet, behind every cheer and every "you go girl!" post, there are still harsh truths that we can’t ignore:

  • Women still apologise too much. For taking up space, for saying no, for having opinions, for not answering emails at 11 pm. Enough. No more "sorry" for simply existing.

  • We are judged differently than men. A man is "assertive." A woman is "aggressive." He’s "driven." She’s "intense." He’s "a leader." She’s "bossy." The double standards? Oh, they’re still thriving.

  • Perfection is a trap. We’re expected to have it all together, to be effortlessly beautiful, successful, kind, strong, and for some reason, really into yoga. Perfection is a myth designed to keep us exhausted. We don’t have to play that game.

Awakening Confidence: The REESET Way

So, what does confidence actually look like? It’s not about "faking it till you make it." It’s about stepping into who you already are. Here’s how we start:**

1️⃣ Own Your Voice: Your ideas, your boundaries, your "no’s" – they are all valid. Say what you mean without shrinking yourself to make others comfortable.

2️⃣ Take Up Space: Physically, emotionally, spiritually. Walk into a room like you belong there (because you do). Wear the bold colour. Take the seat at the table. Hell, take two.

3️⃣ Stop Seeking Permission: Women are conditioned to wait for an invitation – to lead, to speak, to dare. Stop waiting. Start moving.

4️⃣ Redefine Success: You don’t have to be an overachiever to be worthy. Success isn’t just promotions and accolades. It’s choosing joy, setting boundaries, resting when needed, and showing up as your full, untamed self.

5️⃣ Lift Other Women Up: True confidence isn’t competitive. It’s contagious. Celebrate the wins of other women, amplify their voices, and hold space for their dreams.

This International Women’s Day, Let’s REESET the Narrative

Let’s stop waiting for confidence like it’s a guest we need to impress. Let’s stop treating our worth like it’s up for debate. Instead, let’s celebrate the women who came before us, uplift the women beside us, and empower the women still to come.

Because we’re not asking for permission. We’re taking up space. And we’re doing it with joy, courage, and absolutely zero apologies.